What's in a name?

"Mrs Darcy Johannes was convicted today of the horrific murder of five...."
I turned off the radio.
"What's up, Syd?" said Beatrice.
"Our daughter, Darcy. Her name is cursed, tainted with murder."
"Well, Syd she hasn't been registered yet. We could choose another name."
"Such as?"
"I quite like Myra."
"Like Myra Hindley?"
"Or Ruth?"
"Like Ruth Ellis?"
"Well, what about the old Queen's name?"
I registered our daughter as Elizabeth and came home.
I even put on the wireless.
"You can't chop your mother up in Massachusetts,
"And Lizzie Borden knows because she tried."
"Oh my goodness," said Beatrice  

Derek McMillan is the author of the cheerfully-entitled "Murder from Beyond the Grave" which is available as a paperback, kindle or audio book

Murder from Beyond the Grave

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