For the Glory of Grace

Too many blunderers who, with saddened eyes, watched and saw people eating their pie sitting idly by.
She asked Ms. Ferrand to "please watch my babies" and stepped out, saying, “An errand, maybe haste, maybe.”
Despite wanting this one, she didn’t tell Henri of another blunder they couldn't afford. She wondered if he already knew. She prayed to the Lord.
She pondered much of the day and then through the night until she made the final decision with horrific fright.
She dared not tell Henri because he would be ornery and insist that money could be found, and they were blessed with another to kiss with feet on the ground.
She would pay her money and expect to bleed dark red, thick, rich blood. She thought it could be done, and she would be home long before the setting sun.
As she walked by the mercantile sector, she did not see her husband notice she was in a hurry. He dropped his tools to follow her since she never went out and left the children alone.
Her husband’s mouth dropped as he figured out her plan and jumped in front of her at the door. A very good man. “Husband dearest, my Henri, I just knew… So I planned it without thinking of you. He hugged her tightly, and the baby moved inside her, and she knew the work would be daily and nightly.

And said, “Dearest Sylvie, my love. I know why you are here. Another mouth to feed is nothing for you to fear. We’ve always made do; for this one, we shall too. This one will be the same: loved, happy, and without blame.”

“I forgive you, my love. Now let’s get you home,” he said, kissing her and hugging her. The couple walked hand in hand through the square and into their home, full of children and laughter everywhere. The couple smiled at one another without care.
The time came, and the baby was born, a girl who was the first in their clan. Her name is Grace. That was always Mother’s plan. Enough for a baseball team, that’s what they have, but without their coach and just a trainer, the game was bad and so sad.
Their mother did not make it; her energy was lost. She gave it all to Grace. her father mourned the loss. He picked Grace up and saw it: his wife in her sweet little face. He hugged and kissed her sweetly and said, "Thank you, God, for Grace.”


by Lily Finch 


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