Graduate Class and Zoom Class

The one-hour commute to the city for the Graduate class at the university was a long one because of semis, potholes, and even deer who fed on the state-planted wildflowers to save on mowing costs, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as receiving a text from the faculty member fifteen minutes before class and forty-five minutes into my commute that the class was canceled.


Zoom Class

During the pandemic, I turned on my pc and clicked on the Zoom shortcut for my university class. I was shocked and tried not to laugh at my professor. She had a bag of Doritos propped against her pillow and laid there on top of her paisley comforter in a long night gown. She fidgeted with the sound and camera, but clearly couldn’t operate it, or we wouldn’t have seen such a comedic view. Apparently, her university department hadn’t trained her for the online class conversion.


Two stories from Niles Reddick 


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