When your husband ...

         By Linda S. Gunther

When you ask your husband to send you a test email on your cell phone to make sure your email is working and you receive the email and you open it which you assume will say “TEST” and instead it says “I LOVE YOU” and your heart melts and you feel guilty because you were in a sour mood and wham it hits you that after all these years the guy still loves you and the very next evening when you’re sitting in a restaurant having dinner and the nice couple at the adjacent table starts chatting and asks you what you do for a living and you confess that you’re a writer which is hard for you to even believe but it’s the truth and your husband tells the couple that he doesn’t read books in fact almost never but he’s read many of your stories and he tells them that they are really good actually great and you feel warm and fuzzy almost in disbelief to hear him utter those words to people he does not know as he’s quite shy especially with strangers and then three days later he picks up some filet mignon at the market and comes home with a bottle of your favorite brand of champagne just because it’s Monday and you’re over the proverbial moon because you didn’t expect it and let’s face it life is good when your husband is that kind.

Linda S. Gunther is the author of six suspense novels and three illustrated children’s books, all available on Amazon. Her short stories and essays have been featured in numerous literary journals. www.lindasgunther.com





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