Announcing a Writers' Blog


                      ANNOUNCING A WRITERS BLOG

                           From Linda S. Gunther

You may not be a writer now but you are thinking about writing or you have been writing stories or memoir for a while and you’d like to read something that might be helpful from another writer’s perspective. MINE! And I want to share with you.

             I HAVE A BLOG titled  WRITE-BYTES on my website at:


                                                (ON WEBSITE CLICK AT TOP ON FRONT PAGE FOR WRITE-BYTES)

                      THE BLOG goes “LIVE” on Friday (today) September 9, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

                        PLEASE take a look! It’s weekly. Every Friday at 9:00 a.m, I will have a

                          new post on a specific topic about writing. Things I’ve experienced and

                                   tips I’ve picked up while living the life of a writer, and after

                                     crafting and publishing six suspense novels, three

                                       children’s books and a variety of stories, poems,

                                           memoir pieces in several notable literary

                                                       journals across the globe.

                                  P.S. If you read the WRITE-BYTES blog, let me know if it’s of value to you. I want

                                      to focus on things new writers and developing writers need to elevate to the next

                                      level and hopefully inspire you to write!



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