Getting started in flash fiction

1) Read and enjoy flash fiction, this blog is as good a place as any to start!

2) Try your hand. After you have read a few, see what a story you can write in say 100 words. It means eliminating every unnecessary word. Most of us have not written a story since school days but it gets easier as you go along.

3) When you are more confident, you can try selling your stories on eBay. For example, have a look at "More Brevity" . In this audio book, I collected a number of short stories, some of which were flash fiction (under 1000 words).

Most of us don't have a printing press in the garage but creating an audio book just needs a laptop and a decent mike. The first book in the series "Brevity" has been my most successful book to date.

Brevity 3 is on the way. September is the probable date.





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