Worthing Flash update


31,112 people have visited #worthingflash so if you want thousands of people to read your flash fiction (85 to 1000 word stories) then please post your story to worthingflash@gmail.com .

#worthingflash depends on people like you giving up their time to write stories.

If you have a website then you can get more visitors by adding your website to your story

If you have books for sale then you can advertise them with the story.

A glance at http://worthingflash.blogspot.com will give you an idea of the range of stories - it is quite wide.

Stories are publicised on facebook https://www.facebook.com/worthingflash/

And of course you can tell your friends that you have a story on https://www.facebook.com/worthingflash/

We have now had contributions from every continent except Antarctica as well as from Worthing.

I look forward to getting an email with a story from you.

All the best

Derek McMillan


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