Four stories by Tony Roberts



John bought me a drink and we sat down; he had asked to meet me and I was intrigued.

“Steve; your dad has just died?” I nodded uneasily.

“For the last eight years your dad and I were lovers.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“We were very discreet.”

“Now you want to claim under his will.”

“Too late; I am dying of aids. I caught it from him; my first lover. He made me happier than I ever thought possible.

I thought long and hard; I knew what to do. I would get the will varied and help John through his final days.


The phone rang and woke me. I was tempted to ignore it but I picked it up.

“Hello?”I said.

“John it’s Sue here.” From her excited and breathless tone I guessed some latest gossip was swiftly heading my way; and I was right. And she was always the first to know.

“Peter and Jane have split up and the rumour is that she is already seeing someone.”

“Really,” I said. “Let me know when you know something.”

“Will do, must dash.” With that she was gone.

“Who was that?” said Jane as she snuggled up to me in my bed.


For a rather plump lady she seemed to Peter to be remarkably athletic, in bed that is; although she was wheezing alarmingly during their more strenuous moments before they fell asleep.

Then he came to and found she was already awake and crouching over him.

“Lie still,” she purred. He felt cold metal on his wrists and heard several clicks. “Don’t worry; it’s only the handcuffs. Now you are at my mercy.”

But suddenly she cried out in pain and she crashed down on him. He could tell already she was dead.

He knew it could be a long night.


The pain woke John early. He took a couple of pain-killers and waited them to take effect. Then he padded downstairs and made some tea.

He walked the short way to the shop for his paper but even that left him weary. And worse he felt the pain was returning already.

He knew it was time. He sighed and opened his last bottle of wine and filled his glass to the brim. He sat down and sipped his wine as he swallowed the pills carefully ordered from the internet in readiness.

He smiled, sat back and waited for his release. 


by Tony Roberts


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