100 word challenge


Can you write a story in 100 words or fewer?

Any genre. #worthingflash accepts a variety of types of story.

Email your story to worthingflash@gmail.com

If you include a mailing address there is a prize

of the audiobook “Brevity”.

#worthingflash has had 21000 visitors so your work will

have quite an audience.




  1. Very happy to participate this challenge

  2. Worthing Flash continues to publish stories up to a thousand words but the 100 word challenge has attracted a number of entries. These will be published weekly so they will go on being published up to November. This is a very good result and thanks to everyone who has taken part. There still a chance for other people to take up the challenge until 30th September. I will of course accept stories sent after that date on the usual terms! Derek McMillan


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