My "Victor Meldrew" Moment

I went to the Town Hall to get a bus pass. The lady at the counter took my photo, through the glass; it had been blowing a gale as I arrived, so my hair was all over the place, but no matter. She told me that 24,000 people can have the bus passes, but only 18,000 do. I still had to wait a month.

The letter arrived a month later. So I opened it. "I don't believe it!" I said; the photo on the bus pass was not me, it was a bald man with a gold earring in his left ear.

So I took it to the Town Hall to show the lady at the counter. "This is nothing like me", I said, "I can't show this to a bus driver". "Well", she said, "No-one has ever had a problem before, you are the first one out of 18,000 to complain". "But I can't use it," I said. She told me I would have to wait for another month for a new pass.

The letter arrived a month later. It was the photo she had taken of me, but I looked like my Aunt Winn with my grey hair all over the place....

This story does not end there.

A month later I was on the bus, on the way to A&E, a crown had come out of my tooth and the metal was making my gums sore. Three seats in front of me is the bald man with the gold earring in his left ear. And I couldn't talk to him because my mouth was so sore......

From Derek R. Leathers, of Durrington


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