Flash Fiction for pupils and teachers

For pupils:

1) It is a good thing to be writing for an audience.  #worthingflash has had over 11000 visitors at the time of writing. It can display work for friends and family to see.

2) It is an introduction to editing their writing to reduce the amount of waffle (for want of a better word) and get straight to the point.

3) Pupils might want to use the Hemingway App (available online for free) to reduce the redundancy in their writing.

4) It is fun and there is no limitation except the length (which is between 85 and 1000) and your imagination.

For teachers:

(I realise teachers have no time, I used to be one.)

You don't lose your imagination when you become a teacher, quite the opposite. Pupils will always surprise you with new ideas. (I know they will surprise you in less pleasant ways too.)

You are not likely to have time to write a three volume novel but you do have plenty of stories to tell.

So send your masterpiece to worthingflash@gmail.com and the best will end up on the blog https://worthingflash.blogspot.com for all the world to see.

Give it a go!

Derek McMillan was a teacher for 32 years and now edits this online magazine #worthingflash which was initiated to encourage flash fiction in Worthing. It has subsequently had contributors from all five continents and we await our first story from Antarctica! Writers of the World Unite.

My page on Amazon does not stop me thinking Amazon should pay tax! 



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