Sussex Coast Talking News
This morning, Patricia Feinberg-Stoner, Rosemary Noble, Angela Petch and I went to a studio to record an edition of Sussex Coast Talking News.
Angela was first up with a reading from her book, Mavis and Dot set in "Worthington on Sea". The only problem was for the rest of us not to laugh because it really is very funny.
I used the opportunity to encourage people to write for this blog and I read an example of flash fiction, "A Trick in Time".
Rosemary read one of her spooky stories and promoted the CHINDI network of independent authors.
Patricia read a short extract from "At Home in the Pays d'Oc" and gave a very professional imitation of a cat.
The Sussex Coast Talking News website is here
Derek McMillan
Yet another experience to enjoy in this #writinglife. It was good to meet you, Derek, and I am looking forward to flashing with you!.