Men, Money & Morals

“How can I forget you brought me up single-handedly?” Suneet says.
“You have turned 18, but for me you are still a kid,” Sumit, a year older, replies.
“Weren’t we supposed to get 40 lakhs after reaching 18?” Suneet asks.
“Yes. Some upper caste people were involved. Government announced compensation to prevent riots,” Sumit clarifies.
“But why forty?” Suneet further queries.
“Twenty each, mom and dad,” Sumit explains.
“But where is the money?” Suneet continues.
“Some more paperwork,” Sumit informs.
“Why divide forty, when I can have sixty,” Suneet shoots Sumit dead.

“A murder can also be staged,” Suneet nonchalantly remarks.

Vijai Pant is a freelance writer living in India.


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