Senior Time
By Linda S. Gunther I put on my reading glasses and flip through the pages of SENIOR TIME magazine which arrived today, a publication I usually throw away instead of reading. Junk mail I considered it, something I receive once a month with my membership. But why not look at it? Am I a snob? I open to the middle of the magazine - page 29. The headline reads: DEPRESSION QUIZ - Where are you on the scale? I sit down on the sofa, open the drawer in my coffee table, take out a pen and look at the quiz. Enter your ratings: 1 (none at all), 2 (More than 50% of time), or 3 (Almost every day) Little interest or pleasure in doing things? I’ll give myself a 2. Feel depressed? Damn, some days it’s a 3. Tired or have little energy? Definitely a 3. I get tired before 4 o’clock. Feel bad about yourself or that you’ve let your family down? Unfortunately, a 3. Told my son that I can’t watch his Pit Bull while he goes on vacation....